Is It Holiday Time Yet?

Per chi può già andare in vacanza, il National Geographic suggerisce 10 mete inusuali:

  1. Armenia
  2. Nicaragua
  3. Nepal
  4. Iran
  5. Kosovo
  6. Uzbekistan
  7. Albania
  8. Timor Est
  9. Georgia
  10. Tunisia
Su alcune io sarei dubbioso, ma secondo il noto giornale e sito di viaggi sono sicure...

For those who can already go on vacation, the National Geographic suggests 10 unusual destinations:

  1. Armenia
  2. Nicaragua
  3. Nepal
  4. Iran
  5. Kosovo
  6. Uzbekistan
  7. Albania
  8. Timor-Leste
  9. Georgia
  10. Tunisia
On some of them I would be doubtful, but according to the famous newspaper and travel website they are all safe...
