Costruire una villa di 1100 metri quadrati in un solo mese ed utilizzando solo 8 uomini: l'impresa è riuscita alla ditta cinese, WinSun, che grazie ad una stampante 3D un po' più grossa del solito, ha realizzato l'opera.
E ad un costo abbordabile: secondo la ditta si ottiene un risparmio
- del 60% sui materiali
- del 70% sul tempo necessario e
- dell'80% sul lavoro necessario...
To build a 1100 square meters villa in one month only, and with only 8 men: the undertaking was achieved by a Chinese company, WinSun, that, thanks to a 3D printer a little bigger than usual, was able to realize the work.
And at an affordable cost: according to the company the savings are
- 60% on materials
- 70% on time needed and
- 80% on work needed...
E ad un costo abbordabile: secondo la ditta si ottiene un risparmio
- del 60% sui materiali
- del 70% sul tempo necessario e
- dell'80% sul lavoro necessario...
To build a 1100 square meters villa in one month only, and with only 8 men: the undertaking was achieved by a Chinese company, WinSun, that, thanks to a 3D printer a little bigger than usual, was able to realize the work.
And at an affordable cost: according to the company the savings are
- 60% on materials
- 70% on time needed and
- 80% on work needed...
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